3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (CET)
36th Annual conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)
Venue: Bergen
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1:00 - 2:00 pm (CET)
Didier Fouarge (ROA),Malte Sandner (IAB),Thomas Breda (PSE)
1:00 - 2:00 pm (CET)
Piotr Lewandowski (IBS), Hanna Pesola (VATT), Yuliya Kosyakova (IAB)
International Conference
Venue: Halle des Poches, Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval, Luxembourg
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35th annual conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)
Venue: Prague
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Dr Filip Pertold (CERGE-EI)
Analysis of the interactions between social policy and the pension system in the Czech labour market
"Labour Market Shortages and Current Policy Responses" by Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger